I'm Dean Bolander. I've had a rotten morning, and I don't check my mood at the door.
—Dean Bolander
Lila Bolander is the dean of Pennbrook University, and also teaches several classes there. She develops a friendship with Cory and the rest, although it never comes close to their friendships with Mr. Feeny. She serves as a romantic interest for Mr. Feeny, as well.
Married Mr. Feeny in State of the Unions, but is never seen again afterwards. She is mentioned a few times in Season 7, most notably in the episode "She's Having My Baby Back Ribs" where Mr. Feeny tells Cory that Lila got wind of the adoption rumor from the produce lady at the grocery store.
Though she is never mentioned in the sequel, Girl Meets World, Mr. Feeny still wears a wedding ring which confirms that Lila is alive and well, still happily married to Feeny.
She is allergic to bees.
She is mentioned by Mr. Feeny and Eric in season 7, but is never seen.